
I came to school on Monday and was herding the students in for assembly that morning when one of my students came to me explaining that the parents of a boy in my class were attacked over the weekend. Wondering if this was true, I pulled my student aside to ask him what happened over the weekend. He began to explain to me that some thieves came into his house during the night and cut his father’s head and beat his mother. I asked him if he saw everything that happened and immediately he started crying. I too began to cry because you could see the pain and the fear in the child’s face. My heart ached for him, for his family, for the images that are permanently imprinted in his mind. I took my class to visit and pray for his family during the school day. His father then explained to us that he had gone out to wet in the evening time and had left the door unlocked. During this time, a thief came into the house and hid. The father...