The Tourist Church

We enter into these beautiful churches, tourists in an unfamiliar land, gazing at the beauty of the church. Learning how the church was built hundreds of years ago, relying solely on manpower. Tourists standing in line for hours to see the wonder of the church building. While embracing the awkward role of a tourist, gazing up at the Notre Dame, I realized that I didn’t actually think about God. I thought about the building, the painter, the laborers, the architect who designed it. I never stopped to think about the purpose behind the building. I never once stopped to wonder at the beauty that ultimately God created. It was almost as if I was worshipping man who drew, designed, and built these historic churches. I wasn't actually worshipping God in this holy place. I forgot who created man, who gave man the creativity and knowledge to be able to design such a feat. Maybe these historic churches have become an idol....