Apples to Apples

Growing up, Apples to Apples was one of our family's favorite games. But the best part about Apples to Apples was not actually putting cards that truly matched the green apple cards, but playing cards that contradicted the green apple cards.  The goal was always to make the judge laugh.  The judge would always pick whatever apple card was funniest.  If I can remember correctly, some of our favorite red apple cards were "Barney," "Puff Daddy," "Boyfriends," and many more.

I decided to introduce the Apples to Apples Junior to my students in class III.  Before we played, I sorted through the cards to pull out the red apple cards that they would not understand.  They are currently sitting in groups so each group of four students got twenty red apple cards.  I picked a "runner" in each group to come and bring me their red apple card each time I chose a green apple card.

The game went relatively smoothly.  At first, I would give the word on the green apple card, and they would just pick any red apple card and run it up to me.  But, they quickly realized that the cards that actually matched with the green apple card would win.  Every time, I would pick two winning cards.  The row with the groups that won would each get two points.  

Several of the groups also quickly discovered the beauty of the word "boyfriend," and "girlfriend." in the game.  They quickly caught on to the funny side of the game.  As soon as I saw the word "boyfriend," it brought back so many memories.  I laughed along as all of my students laughed with me.  I am not sure if it was a good or bad thing to be laughing at girlfriend/boyfriend jokes with class III students, but I couldn't help it.  Sometimes, you just need a good laugh.

We seem to be laughing a lot in class III lately.  I don't know if it is because we are all tired and need to laugh or we are just happy the school year is almost through.  One thing that annoys me in class is when students constantly ask me to go wet.  I am always reminding them to go during break time and lunch time so they do not waste time in class.  One of my students began to ask me about 15 minutes after lunch time to go and wet.  I refused her once and a second time because we had just come from lunch break and I was in the middle of teaching.  Then as she got up to ask me a third time, she wet all over the floor of the classroom.  Apparently, she could not hold it anymore.

I guess it's my fault this happened because I did not let her go wet.  I feel so bad because I know she was so embarrassed.  As I quickly rushed her out of the classroom to take care of herself, I came back in and burst into laughter with my students.  It was quite a hilarious situation, I could not keep from laughing.  After the whole class had a good laugh, I told them I do not want to hear mention of this again.  If I hear any of you making fun of her, you will quickly be reported to the Principal.  I think that scared them enough to keep most of them quiet.  I continue to hope that they will not harass her about this incident, although it was a good laughable moment for the rest of us.

In Science last week, we were talking about the life cycle of a chicken.  We began to discuss how the egg was fertilized.  I hadn't planned to go into detail until one of my students asked how the egg was fertilized.  Well, lets just say I wasn't prepared for this question so I compared it to humans.  I won't go into detail but all I can remember is that we all laughed.  I could not keep a straight face while trying to explain and they also could not hold it together.  If I even mention the word "fertilize" again, it brings laughter to each of us in class.

Laughter is something that keeps me going, something that brings joy to life, something that keeps my abdominal muscles strong.  We need laughter in life to bring smiles to people's faces, the lighten the load that all of us are carrying, to enjoy life.    


  1. And we miss laughing with you! Looking forward to that this summer! (from Mom on M's account)


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