Corn and Heaven

Today, I was doing my oral exam with my students during the afternoon part of the day.  I asked her what she was going to do over the summer break.  I was expecting a normal answer, like go to Freetown, or study, or play, or a typical answer.  But instead she told me "I am going to eat corn." I said, "you are only going to eat corn for the whole break?"  After asking her more questions to give me a more detailed answer, she could only tell me "I am going to eat corn and pick corn."

I guess my student really likes corn and that is all she will fill her time with this summer.  I thought it was so funny I tried hard not to laugh at her.  It has now reached corn season again in Sierra Leone.  I have my corn lady who I always buy corn from!  I can't even tell you her name but she loves me.  Any time I go to her, she will give me a big hug.  Then I will always buy 1,000 Le corn and she will always give me 3,000 Le corn.  I love that woman because she always makes going to the market enjoyable.

One day, a friend gave me corn.  Here in Sierra Leone, the only way I have seen people eat corn is by roasting it over a fire and then eating it.  In the U.S, we boil our corn so I thought I would give that a try.  However it did not turn out fine at all.  I boiled it and boiled it but no matter how long it boiled, it did not become soft.  It was so hard that I could not even chew it.  I am not sure what the difference between U.S corn and Sierra Leone corn is but it must be quite different.

The other day, I was making coconut pap, which is like porridge or oatmeal in the U.S, with my neighbors.  The whole family is Muslim so one of the little girls asked my why I was a Christian.  She asked why I did not prefer to be a Muslim.  I was surprised by the question because I have never actually been asked this question in my life.  I told them the reason why I am a Christian is because we believe in Jesus.  We do not have to be a "good" person to go to Heaven because we know that we are all in a sense "bad" people.  We are all sinners.  No person in this whole world is better than another person.  Because of Jesus, he forgives all of those mistakes that we have made, and makes us able to have a relationship with God.  The first commandment God gives us is to love him.  Jesus has made it possible for us to love God.  Through Jesus, we are able to be in relationship with God.

Then she asked me, "what is God going to ask you when you want to go into heaven?"  For Muslims, there are specific questions they believe God will ask you.  She knew those questions in Arabic but did not know the meaning of them in English or Krio.  Because God's first commandment is that we love him, I thought he might ask "How often did you spend time with me?"  "How often did you talk with me or listen to me?"  "How did you show my love to those around you?"  Then later I was thinking about how God will just speak in our own language.  We do not have to speak in Arabic, or Krio, or Spanish, to talk to God.  But he will speak to each one of us in our own language which is so amazing!

I was so excited to be able to have this conversation with her and I hope things like this will continue to come up.  Not only to share more about God, but also for myself.  I think I have literally been thinking about this non-stop for the past few days.  When people ask us these questions, it challenges our own beliefs and continues to guide and develop our faith.


  1. Sarah, that is so exciting that you were able to have a conversation like that with this young girl, and that you answered as you did! Children are great at saying or asking what comes to mind. I will pray communication remains open with you and this family for more discussion and they will think about what you said.


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